阿宾顿 professor's book analyzes literary fiction of last 20 years


莉莉安娜Naydan,副教授 英语 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.


阿宾顿,爸爸. -作者的最新著作 莉莉安娜Naydan,副教授 英语 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, analyzes mainstream literary fiction by authors writing about the United States from the time of the Y2K crisis to the onset of the pandemic. "Flat-World Fiction: Digital Humanity in Early Twenty-First-Century America" focuses on texts by Don DeLillo, 珍妮弗·伊根, 戴夫·艾格斯, 约书亚·费里斯, Jonathan Safran Foer报道, Mohsin Hamid, 托马斯·品钦, 克里斯汀Roupenian, 盖里, 和查蒂·史密斯.   

“I consider the problems and possibilities of digital devices and media that critics say are threatening to eradicate old-media print culture,内丹说. "This book is important because it puts the humanities into conversation with STEM in a way that complements digital humanities scholarship. It also explores the politics of human relationships with digital devices and media, which are transforming human identity and the relationships we have with one another. They're also transforming our relationships with phenomena such as history, 资本主义与民族.”

Naydan traces the roots of "Flat-World Fiction," which was was ranked as the No. 1 new release in 21st century literary criticism on Amazon.com, 和她作为一名千禧一代的生活经历有关, the microgeneration between Generation X and millennials who have lived in both analog and digital times.  

“I remember carrying quarters in my pockets to make calls from payphones, and I used to listen to the screech of our dial-up modem to hop online and ask questions of Jeeves. 在我的一生中, I've watched digital technology pervade our lives in large part because of the commercialization of the internet in the 1990s, 对我来说,这是性格形成的十年. It's been interesting to witness the development of the relationships we have with screens,”她说。. 

Naydan’s book also was inspired by her work on the novella "Point Omega" by Don DeLillo, 她在她的第一本专著中写过的, 美国小说中的宗教修辞学."  

“I think that DeLillo captures how screens have developed multifaceted functions. 他们掩盖或隐瞒的和他们暴露的一样多. They disappear into the backdrop as much as they call attention to themselves as the centerpieces of our living rooms and lives. And they reveal paradoxes in our digital times,”她说。. 

“I wanted to write a book about how authors of mainstream literary fiction were commenting on these and other paradoxes of the digital age and about the place of the simultaneously sleek and thorny digital world in the world of print culture,她接着说. 

Naydan contends that although there is a seemingly endless stream of information available, 我们并不总是天生理解它. 

“We've built a world that's flat because it's covered in and defined by digital screens. 但这样做, 例如, 导致了地平论者的兴起, people who literally believe the world is flat because a YouTube video told them so,内丹说. 

Naydan’s next projects focus on the politics of identity in writing centers. 她是 co-editing a book on the politics of faith and secularism in writing center work, and she is writing about worker identity and labor justice in writing centers.   

"Flat-World Fiction" informs the texts Naydan covers in her courses at 阿宾顿, 教学作家如莫辛·哈米德, 克里斯汀Roupenian, 和查蒂·史密斯 in "Contemporary Literature" or "Alternative Voices in American Literature." It also influences issues discussed in the classroom and assignments she teaches in literature and writing courses. 

“I love to talk with students about the politics of globalization, 社交媒体, 数字素养, 信息素养. I feel better equipped to help my students analyze digital sources and produce digital writing as a result of writing this book. I better understand how we can interact with devices and media in meaningful ways. I want to share what I've learned with my students and learn from them about our developing digital world,内丹说。, 谁是阿宾顿的 写作计划 协调员兼英语项目主席. 


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